Doctor Sleep

Warner Brothers

Theatrical & Home Entertainment

Stephen King's Doctor Sleep was a decades-later follow-up to the cult classic The Shining. In the shadow of an unforgettable first film and adapted to balance the book, the suspenseful Doctor Sleep posed an interesting challenge to reintroduce audiences to the Overlook and Danny Torrance, tease a new villain and heroine, and find relevance in today's saturated horror film landscape.

To address this challenge through a social media campaign, Caroline produced motion-heavy creative assets that leaned into a smoky motif with nods to the original film. Cinemagraphs and social videos played into the eeriness of the film with vaporous animations and creepy sounds, and showcased positive reviews and messaging with integrated type. For the film's premiere in Los Angeles, Caroline coordinated an Instagram Story activation to translate and post content captured at the event for nearly a dozen of WB's international Instagram pages, all in real time.

Caroline also produced the home entertainment campaign for the film, including two mashup videos that highlighted Doctor Sleep's addition to The Shining's story and the larger Stephen King collection.